Getting Started
To take advantage of iPad's larger screen, iPad has a very different user interface layout from iPhone / iPod Touch when iPad is in landscape mode.
An example illustrates how FORGET remembers a "license plate" number. Tap here to view an online demo.
Review the basic interface layout.
Editing A Reminder
For an existing reminder, you can delete the reminder, insert, rename or delete a keyword.
Adding Documents
Notes can provide details about whatever you are recalling. Let's again use license plate as an example. Tap here to view the online demo.
The content of a note can be encrypted using a password or passphrase (AES-256 bits key). The password / passphrase is not permanently stored in the database. This ensures that if you ever lose your device, others cannot retrieve the password. On the other hand, if you forget your password, all of your previously encrypted notes are lost for good.
** Important: Make sure to exit this application to relock it every time you have entered the passwords.
You can attach a contact from the iPhone Contact Library or by taking a business card camera shot.
You can attach a photo from the iPhone Camera Roll, or with a camera shot.
You can attach a web URL (including YouTube video links) and open it later within this application or in Safari.
You can attach the current GPS location and add a note.
You can attach the Google map URL for an address.
Simply swipe your finger across the document...
If this has happened to your encryption password / passphrase, read on...
The database and photo images are backed up when you sync your iPhone with Apple's iTunes Application.