- The Software Memory Assistant that Helps You Recall What you Forgot -

iMind* is a Windows software application that actually reminds you about the details with technology that actually mimics the way your brain remembers unstructured data. This patented technology is based on the psychology of memory association and recognition.

*To view some case examples, click Here. For iPhone/iPad apps, visit iMind is NOT a brain fitness program.

There's just too much to remember!

When someone asks you for book recommendations, can you recall all the great books that you have read over the years?  How about your favorite restaurants or memorable photos?  Don't you hate it when your brain goes blank, especially when you really need the information.  Like the discussion you had awhile back with an important person, a membership ID, an account number, the mother's name of your best friend, your spouse's license plate number, the license key of an application, an interesting web site that you accidentally stumbled across, important medical-, legal- or technical jargon, expiration date of a warranty, etc.

Somewhere these bits and pieces of personal information are buried and it is painful for you to remember or dig them up.

How can iMind helps

  • When you forget, in most cases you just need some cues (hints) to bring the memory back to your conscious. iMind provides the critical cues so you can say "Oh, I remember now!" It lets you "recognize" what you have in mind from a list of relevant reminders. Without it, you are left struggling, hoping that your brain can somehow "recall" it out of the blue.
  • The information stored in human memory is mostly unstructured(80-90%). In other words, the information data is not hierarchal or sequential, therefore cannot be handeled very well by the traditional computer system. iMind's unique technology is developed specifically to handle this type of information so that iMind can fit in with your brain memory.
  • When you recall, you brain tries to trace though related memory in order to get to the right one. iMind's powerful engine can draw relationships much faster than your brain can and iMind does not lose track as your brain sometimes does.
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iMind is developed based on memory psychology

The human brain remembers information by association2 of key topics such as people, events, purposes, or other cues. INFOMATO iMind lets you efectively build association of keywords as a memory aid to "cue" your memory.

2  "Memory Book-The classic guide to improving your memory at work, at school and at play," by H. Lorayne and J. Lucas

When you encounter something worth remembering, you can quickly create a reminder for yourself consisting of a simple set of keywords (typically 2-5) that represent the idea. When you need to recall the information later, instead of trying to come up with the answer without a clue, iMind prompts you to choose from a list of relevant reminders on the fly so you can easily "recognize" the context using your subconscious3.

To give you an example, here is a reminder to help me remember an important person or organization whose name is foreign and difficult to remember.

  • "Hayao Miyazaki"
  • "Studio Ghibli"
  • "Japanese Disney"

Next, you will see this reminder in a suggestive list if you search for easy, impressive terms like "Disney", "Japan", or "studio" etc.              View demos...

You do not need to worry about a complex, inflexible organizational scheme such as a relational database or spreadsheet for saving and retrieving these reminders. INFOMATO iMind's "self-organizing" technology will take care of that for you.

iMind automatically arranges your reminder list in reverse chronological order so that you can go back to a task after a quickly glance at the top of the list. In general, it takes less than a minute to build the reminder and associate any emails, documents, web pages or notes with it.

After that you can forget about it. No need to worry about where and how you should manage your reminders. Of course not everything is worth remembering. Most of the information you come across should be queued in a "time bin" or "to-do" list. After you are done with it, you can "erase" it from your memory. On average, you may encounter each day around 10 things that are worth remembering. By spending 10 minutes a day with INFOMATO iMind, you will alleviate more than 3,000 pressure points from your head each year.

Unconscious memory , episodic memory and recognition memory

iMind taps into the power of your unconscious memory or recognition memory, which does not age!

The bad news: The results of a recent scientific study published on indicate that by the time you reach the age of ~65, your ability to recall drops to 50-60% of what it was when you were 18.

The good news: However, these results also indicate that when you are reminded at a later time, you can remember or recognize information1 with your unconscious (implicit) memory which does not decline with age.   Learn more ...

In order to harness the power of your unconscious memory, you need relevant reminder cues when you try to recall something. But who is available and reliable enough to prime you 24/7? I couldn't find anybody to do that for me. That's why I invented iMind.

1  "Your Memory," by Dr. K. L. Higbee

Why was iMind developed

How did iMind come about? Let me share with you my own personal experience. Hi, I am Dr. Wayne Lo, the founder of INFOMATO. memory needs vs. ageI am a technologist and an inventor.

Several years ago, I found myself in a very stressful situation. While my work in Silicon Valley, California was steadily demanding more of my brain cells each year, my ability to remember the daily influx of information that I received seemed to be eroding quickly, especially after age 35. Being an experienced inventor and a technologist, I decided to solve my problem myself...with technology.

Have you noticed that although our memory capacity seems limited, our computer's memory doubles every two years.  After 4 years of research and development, iMind was created with its unique patented technology, which enables our brain to tap into the enourmous memory capacity of one's own personal computer.

Do you have the same memory problem? If so, iMind can work for you too.

Why reinvent the wheel? Are there other solutions?

The root cause of your memory stress is how to sort the influx of day-to-day information, 80 to 90% of which is unstructured (messy and cross-related). Because databases and folder systems cannot handle this type of data and search engines cannot help manage highly personal data, this problem of dealing with unstructured data is fundamental and unsolved, as stated by Robert Blumberg and Shaku Atre in DM Review

“The management of unstructured data is recognized as one of the major unsolved problems in the information technology (IT) industry… white collar workers will spend anywhere from 30 to 40 percent of their time this year managing documents.”

After four years of research and development, INFOMATO created a patented, innovative solution that enables you to group your thoughts and ideas together as a reminder. You can later see your reminders self-organize on the fly based on your input.  Learn more

Explore iMind with specific examples

Let me demonstrate how this innovative technology can help you by showing step-by-step the most common causes of daily memory stress .  Nextleft arrow